The next parish council meeting will take place on Thursday 20th February 2025 at 7pm in Selling Village Hall.
All are welcome to attend.
Parish councils are the first tier of local government and have certain duties and legal powers. They are democratically and financially accountable to the local community. They have a legal right to be informed about planning applications and other issues. Parish councils raise money through their precept, which is collected through the local council tax. They are not responsible for waste collection, parking or traffic, planning or education. To be a parish councillor you need to be over 21 and an elector, or live or work in the area or within three miles of it.
Selling Parish Council comprises seven members who are elected every four years. The next full election will be in 2027. All members are unpaid who care about the village.
The council meets on the third Thursday of the month at 7.00pm in Selling Village Hall.
For more information please follow the ‘Council’ link at the top of the page.